36 article(s) found.
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa meningitis in post neurosurgical patients [2009] - 168KB
by T Juhi, M Bibhabati, T Archana, L Poonam, D Vinita
Background and Objective: Pseudomonas meningitis is a rare complication following neurosurgical procedures and is associated with high mortality and mortality. The aim of the study was to describe the...
Long-term socioeconomic impact of the Nipah Virus encephalitis outbreak in Bukit Pelanduk, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia: A mixed methods approach [2009] - 139KB
by C Wan, WY Choo, HT Chong, M Dahlui, KJ Goh, CT Tan
Background and Objective: In 1998/99, an outbreak of Nipah virus encephalitis occurred in several pig-farming communities in Malaysia. It was associated with a high mortality rate and persistent neuro...
The frequency of symptomatic sensory polyneuropathy in the elderly in an urban Malaysian community [2009] - 151KB
by TL Lor, KY Boon, FF Cheo, SC Lau, GW Lee, BH Ng, KJ Goh
Background: Neuropathic symptoms and signs are common in the elderly and are often considered normal findings. However, symptomatic polyneuropathy may contribute to disability and falls in the elderly...
Persistent effect on neuromuscular transmission in patients with primary hemifacial spasm treated with repeated botulinum toxin injections [2009] - 138KB
by KJ Goh, C Wan, LP Ramanaidu, MA Yahya, CT Tan
Botulinum toxin injection is an effective treatment for hemifacial spasm by causing pre-synaptic block at the neuromuscular junction. Its effects are temporary and repeated injections are required to ...
A randomized study camparing oral versus injection triamcinolone in carpal tunnel syndrome [2009] - 216KB
by Dewi, HA Sadeli, N Kurniani, S Gunadharma
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy found in clinical practice. Corticosteroids are effective in treating CTS. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy ...
Reference values for nerve function assessments among a study population in northern India – I: Vibration perception thresholds [2009] - 540KB
by PG Nicholls, J McKnight, D Loretta, KV Desikan, DNJ Lockwood, EP Wilder Smith, WH van Brakel
Objective: This paper presents normal reference values for vibration perception thresholds for a study population in northern India. The work was in preparation for the INFIR Cohort Study, a prospecti...
Cerebrospinal fluid analyses in Thai multiple sclerosis patients [2009] - 202KB
by L Jugkarin, S Sasitorn, P Naraporn
Objective: To evaluate cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) patterns in Thai multiple sclerosis (MS) patients particularly oligoclonal bands compared with Western MS. Methods: Retrospective review of 72 patients...
Endovascular coil occlusion of ruptured vertebral artery dissecting aneurysm: A case report [2009] - 556KB
by S Prabin, S Shigeyuki, S Masaaki, K Yoshihiro, O Takahito, S Kazuhiko, K Kaoru
Ruptured vertebral artery dissecting aneurysm is more prone to re-bleeding and thus needs immediate surgical management. We present a case of 47 years old male with ruptured vertebral artery dissectin...
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in a child with rotavirus encephalopathy [2009] - 214KB
by H Enoki, T Yokota, T Matsubayashi
We describe a 13-month-old girl who developed convulsive status during an episode of rotavirus gastroenteritis. Persistent disturbance of consciousness, recurrent seizures, slowing on EEG, high signal...
Spinal cord meningioma in a case of myotonic dystrophy [2009] - 200KB
by D Khurana, H Sinha, R Chabbra, S Prabhakar
The myotonic dystrophies (DMs) are autosomal dominant disorders, subdivided by their genetic defect into DM1and DM2 and characterized by gradually progressive muscle weakness, myotonia, cataracts, end...
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