104 article(s) found.
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Generic drug use in epilepsy [2007] - 91KB
by DB McLaughlin
Most antiepileptic drugs have a narrow therapeutic index. Dosage adjustment is required to provide optimal seizure control while avoiding adverse drug effects. Case reports and retrospective studies i...
How to stop antiepileptic drugs [2007] - 128KB
by AA Raymond
The beginning of this new millennium is seeing a trend towards the earlier withdrawal of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), particularly in children, because of the fear of undesirable side effects and cogni...
Antiepileptic drug trials with greater attention to daily clinical practice and special epilepsy syndromes [2007] - 159KB
by WP Liao
Most of the present antiepileptic drug trials focus on efficacy and short-term safety with limited information relevant for daily clinical practice, such as spectrum of efficacy, effective dose, titra...
The pediatric epilepsy surgery in China [2007] - 214KB
by G Luan, Y Li
There is rapid growth of pediatric surgery service in China in the recent years. A survey by the China Association Against Epilepsy undertaken in June 2006 on the major cities in different parts of th...
Comprehensive epilepsy care for pre-school age children [2007] - 190KB
by H Shigematsu
Pre-school children with epilepsy manifest delay in exploration and sociality independent of language ability, even if they have normal intellectual ability. They are immature in negotiating ability, ...
Community care for people with epilepsy in a modern society: The New Zealand model [2007] - 105KB
by MD Hills
The Epilepsy New Zealand Field Officer scheme is a model for the provision of community care for people with epilepsy. Epilepsy New Zealand is a voluntary organization. It runs the community care serv...
Cost of antiepileptic drugs in India [2007] - 93KB
by A Krishnan, Ritvik, D Chowdhury
Epilepsy is the most common serious neurological disorder and is one of the world’s most prevalent non-communicable diseases. Around 90% of the people with epilepsy in developing countries are not r...
Global Campaign Against Epilepsy: An update on the China Demonstration Project and Crest Study [2007] - 153KB
by S Li, J Wu, W Wang
Global Campaign Against Epilepsy conducted the Demonstration Project to improve epilepsy care in rural China from 2000 to 2004. The project involved 5 provinces and 2,455 patients with convulsive epi...
Australia’s involvement in epilepsy care in East Timor [2007] - 97KB
by ER Somerville
East Timor is a young country with high treatment gap. The East Timor National Epilepsy Training Program was established to improve epilepsy care in the country. There are many challenges in establish...
The Mongolian plan to overcome epilepsy treatment gap and improve epilepsy care [2007] - 132KB
by A Tovuudorj
Mongolia has a population of 2.5 million, with large territory and low population density, and estimated 7,433 epilepsy patients in 2005. The Mongolian Epilepsy Society, a chapter of ILAE was founded ...
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