About the Journal

Neurology Asia (ISSN 1823-6138), previously known as Neurological Journal of South East Asia (ISSN 1394-780X), is the official journal of the ASEAN Neurological Association (ASNA)Asian & Oceanian Association of Neurology (AOAN), and the Asian & Oceanian Child Neurology Association. The primary purpose is to publish the results of study and research in neurology, with emphasis to neurological diseases occurring primarily in Asia, aspects of the diseases peculiar to Asia, and practices of neurology in Asia (Asian neurology).

Neurology Asia is indexed in Thompson Reuters (Thomson ISI) under Science Citation Index Expanded and Journal Citation Reports / Science Edition, EBSCO in Academic Search Complete Database, ScopusWHO Western Pacific Region Index MedicusEmbaseGoogle Scholar and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).

The electronic version of the Journal is available on the website: www.neurology-asia.org
Neurology Asia is an open access journal, where the users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles.